Results for "Aeros Trike"

Top-level pages

  • HELP!! XT-912 hydraulic brakes no go

    As most of you know i dismantled the front end of my trike to repair the cracked fork carrier.  During the process it w...forks. Reassembly was simply the reverse, and when i took the trike out for a run up and down our...

  • Air First Aid- Disaster Relief by Trike: Any Volunteer Pilots ?

    "Air First Aid aims to bring immediate relief to victims of natural disasters...ife story inspired the movie Fly Away Home- teaching Canadian Geese to follow a trike to establish a new migration...

  • 103 Trike for sale .5 bitcoin

    see ad in Market

  • What GPS to buy

    Hi, I am in the market to buy a new GPS for my trike and I would like your input. Currently I have the old Garmin GPS iii. What GPS do you use, why do you use it and how much did it run you? Thanks for your help. Regards, Rizzy

  • Maintenance course offered

    Heads up peeps. Just saw this notice from M...course trains you how to inspect your trike to perform the FAA annual con...ort Weight Shift Control Experimental Trike. At the end of the course, if...course covers every component of your trike, in the end you will understa...

  • To be or NOT to be a CFI

      Hi all,     I have a question for...ybe training.     We already have 5 trike pilots at my airport and hope...If NOT training, there is always possibilty of just Trike flights over Snake River and...

  • TrikeMag magazine now out

    Hello Trikers.  TrikeMag is here. After more problems tha...ew online digital magazine just for Trike Pilots and enthusiasts has spread the word amongst other Trike Pilots, that would be great t...more about our favourite Slovakian Trike Pilot....

  • New to the site, some questions.

    Again, hello. Im coming from a G...chance to take a flight in a trike two years ago and was hooked....els since I was 6 and to me a trike is basically a motorcycle wit...e and fuel burn will be in my trike. it has the kawasaki 440 engi...from that are specific to my trike to mount it? northwing or BRS...

  • Purple trike!  

  • Jasper Texas Airshow

    Jasper Texas Airshow I talked to the Airshow Manager and he was please...on I’ve been welcomed with open arms when I show up with my gyro or trike in tow. It’s a shame how few gyro and trike guys ever participate. You a...