Results for "Float Trike"

Top-level pages

  • Another stolen trike - Keep your eyes peeled and help a guy out On November the 29th a Trike and two wings were stolen fro...ading to the recovery of this trike and/or wings.PLEASE keep your...t in case you happen to see a trike and suspect it may be this on...ustralia Dealer -New and Used Trikes Lynx Avionics Distributor&nb...

  • The Green 1 e-Glider from eUp Aviation- Canada. Electric Soaring Trike !!!

    When I went to Dan Beattie's page, I company.  Too cool.  My next trike is definitely going to be an electric (used) soaring trike:   http://flyeu...nstant on and low maintenance of electric trikes is amazing.  It's f...

  • Strobe location

    Hey everybody, Just looking for the curr...tion for a small single seat part 103 trike like ours. Personally I prefe...ead height and facing the rear of the trike. Seems like it provides the b...of interesting / strange locations on trikes over the years. Some prefer...

  • Safety concerns when flying trike with a child passenger

    Hi all,   I am considering flying my 10 years old son on my trike. I fly an Airborne XT which has a nice sho...

  • Books or videos on trike/microlight flying

    Hi all,I just got done with my final Securities exam, so now I have a lot of free tim...elated to flying and flying adventures, they don't necessarily have to be about trike flying but any kind of flying...

  • Trike Trax

    For all my fellow trike pilots. I am rolling out a beta version of a free service for to notify in the event you do not return from a flight. It is kind of an inf...

  • Bensen Days - Wauchula, Florida

    Hope to see some Florida trike guys in Wauchula this weekend for Bensen Days. The forecast looks good for trike flying. I’m headed that way...

  • Polson, Mt. Fly-in Saturday Sept 7, 2013

    The Polson annual fly-in is Saturday Sept 7,2013 and k...o says we can't stretch it out a bit and have a trike fly-in? The valley here is a...plenty of places to land in a pinch. I will have my trike there (since I only live abou...

  • Registering your SLSA under a LLC

    Hi all,   I just bought an SLSA trike and my long term goal is to become a CFI to introduce pe...ul hobby.   I have a few questions from trike owners and CFIs who have registered their trike under a business (LLC or INC)...

  • GoPro Mounts

      GoPro cage Wed, Mar 20 2013, 9:12:16 am EDT For firmer mounting Jared Abrams <> writes: