Results for "Desert Trike"

Top-level pages

  • Winterizing a four stroke engine

    Hi all, I bought my Four Stroke 912 trike about a year ago and now that the winter is approaching. I was wonder...912 engines? In the past winters, I have had a habit of starting my trike once every two to three weeks...

  • Fooling with video editing software

    Hello Folks, My buddy's daughter did a XC in the family trike last week, and made a (privat...'ve been flying my ass off. This is not a "trike video" per se, but there...

  • Where can I find a good compass and mount for front tube

    Hi Friends,   I am looking t...unt a compass on the front tube of my trike. Can anyone give me an idea o...front tube?   On my old trike I had a Marine Ritchie Compas...n be mounted to the front tube of the trike.   Thanks for yo...

  • Open or enclosed trailer

    Hi, I've researched on the aluminum trailer, open and encl...-26 feet, very light load.   I want to load my trike with strutted wing, and 13' v...ut 5,000-6,000 lbs load. The enclosed trailer with trike and car could run up to 10,00...


    i hear that TESLA is considering building a 'self flying' trike for 'transitioning' pilots who are haveing dificulty 'reverse the other way?, i'm always getting confused with that part of trikeing!)' anyway, the trike instr...

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    i frequently trailer my trike, and often, inquisitive earth...ask 'what is it'?  well, trike don,t cut it. their little kiddie has a trike, and it don't fly!  usin...when i was busy 'fettling' my trike a feminine  voice behind...pps. some years ago  we 'trike drivers' had a lively discuss...

  • Im' going to ...

    A huge C-5 cargo plane was sitting near where a trike was waiting to take off. The trike pilot got a little nervous because the military plane was closer than normal, and asked the tower to find out the inte...

  • Mark Gibbo Gibson

    I just learned that trike pioneer and topless wing builder Mark Gibson died this morning while flying his trike during an engine failure in t...Mark Gibson died this morning after crashing his trike into a line of trees followin...

  • Another stolen trike - Keep your eyes peeled and help a guy out On November the 29th a Trike and two wings were stolen fro...ading to the recovery of this trike and/or wings.PLEASE keep your...t in case you happen to see a trike and suspect it may be this on...ustralia Dealer -New and Used Trikes Lynx Avionics Distributor&nb...

  • The Green 1 e-Glider from eUp Aviation- Canada. Electric Soaring Trike !!!

    When I went to Dan Beattie's page, I company.  Too cool.  My next trike is definitely going to be an electric (used) soaring trike:   http://flyeu...nstant on and low maintenance of electric trikes is amazing.  It's f...