Results for "Long Distance Tike Flying"

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  • Congratulations to Jeff

    I was sent the following link recently and had the pleasure of watching Jeff's intel...t, which Jeff's interview brings to life, and is coupled with scenes of his own flying. I loved the comment "I'd lik...

  • Dog ‘asks’ to go flying with Hang Glider

    This is a cool story, of a hang gliding dog and his friend at Point of the Mountain Utah. When POM is on, it blows nice all day, and is easy to top land and launch a...

  • Flying's Future?

  • Things You DON'T Want to Hear on the Plane's PA System

    * Ocean crossing flight: This is your Captain speaking, I just wanted to take this t...loss of an engine, however the reduction in weight and drag will mean we'll be flying much more efficiently now.* T...

  • A Diary from a Trike Pilot – That has moved to paradise!

    A Diary from a Trike Pilot – That has moved anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous creature. Flying is fantastic here and I the store to some food and almost got to do some flying. On the way down the runway a...

  • Engine Out...

    Two blondes were flying to Miami from Cleveland. Fifteen minutes in...e of the engines has failed and the flight will be an hour more engine has failed and the flight will be two hours longer. But don't worry...

  • Mentone 2014

    Mentone 2014…I’ve been encouraging trike guys to join in the flying with all the PPCs, FWs, Helis, a...

  • So you think you're a pilot

    You think you have lived to be 80 plus and know who you are…then along...He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life flying planes, first Stearmans, then...

  • The Case of the Missing Pilot

    The Case of the Missing Pilot A pilot left home about 8:30...plane about 11:30, had lunch, and I started home, when along...the eye and said "don't lie to me; YOU WENT FLYING, DIDN'T YOU?"

  • Beware the Drop Bear.

    Beware the Drop Bear.       &n...means the grass starts to grow along with other things. The Honey...inated the fuselage top ¾ longeron...rames 2 & 3, and I'll be flyi...razor sharp claws. Bunyips have long legs and leafy looking hair whi...