Results for "Rizzy's Trike test flight"

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  • Wish me luck everyone...

    Tomorrow I am having my check flight and final exam - and all going well I shall be a certifiable... ahh I mean Certified Pilot. Today I almost completed 5 hours of my required...

  • Open or enclosed trailer

    Hi, I've researched on the aluminum trailer, open and enclosed.  I opted for the open 24-26 feet, very light load.   I want to load my trik...s about 5,000-6,000 lbs load. The enclosed trailer with trike...


    i hear that TESLA is considering building a 'self flying' trike for 'transitioning' pilots who are haveing dif...i'm always getting confused with that part of trikeing!)' anyway, the trike inst...lly irrate and are planning sending a stiff protest (...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    ...nbsp; Experimental lightsport Trike N1234 15 miles to the South at...    4) Is your trike XC ready?  Do you have go...nbsp; I have an in-dash "Flightline FL-760 Transceiver "...neeboard already, get one and test fly it-- often stuff likes to f...

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    i frequently trailer my trike, and often, inquisitive earthlings ask 'what is it'?  well, trike don,t cut it. their little kiddie has a trike, and it don't fly!  usin...time when i was busy 'fettling' my trik... pps. some years ago  we 'trike...

  • Active Hang Block

    Hi all,   I have a question. On the Northwing website, they sell active Hang Blocks (pictured below). I don't know anything about them, other than that the A fra...

  • Im' going to ...

    A huge C-5 cargo plane was sitting near where a trike was waiting to take off. The trike...

  • Mark Gibbo Gibson

    I just learned that trike pioneer and topless wing builder Mark Gibson died this morning while flying his trik...ith us. Mark Gibson died this morning after crashing his trike...

  • Find pilots to meet with in Ogden Utah

    I am in Ogden Utah for the day and would like to meet up with another pilot to get my daily flight fix. I have a bad flying habit!

  • the life of thread ? (not brian!)

    i have two wings, the original 12m chronos , 1993, and a 15m northwing ma...ability, partly 'cos yellow is the fastest color! the paint stiffens the...built a 'bettsywhanger wing rippa'and tested my 'test panels' stitched t...r all i know! if any one out there in trike-...