Results for "Wind speed"

Top-level pages

  • Balls to the wall!

    David O mentioned that Balls to the Wall comes from the engines and results in the highest possible speed. The earliest written citati...y. The second is that it arose in railroad work. A speed governor on train engines wou...

  • The Signs Were There - when not to fly!

    Today I got some flying experience.  I learned a lesson...when you take it on. The wind at 2000ft was VRB/15.  W...ure.  Within seconds the wind increased, the wing began mov...ale signature of the rotating winds. So all warmed up an the...t baulked due to strong cross wind...

  • Again Almost!

    last friday was lovely, sunny, 50 deg, no wind. but saturday was different, with po...gainst the rear wheel of my van. the wind was 10mph so was on the lee s...ver my nice yellow t-shirt. THEN the wind really blew, my bod' propped', or golf, anything not relying on wind,...

  • Differences in Placarded Speeds / Stats between iXess 15M and Bionix 15M (almost all numbers reflect significant improvements)

    I always make a dash Placard for cardinal speeds and capacities for my trikes.  Recentl...s and Bionix.  The numbers for best L/D speed are not the same between the wings, but I did not see a faster best L/D speed for the Bionix as necessarily...

  • Flying the -Bionix 13-

    Got a chance to put about 40 minutes, between rain showers, on Mike G...e the 15, which for me is quite a bit stiffer. As mike's airspeed indicator only goes to 100 mph, (new air speed ind. on order) I couldn't...

  • Threat Error Management Report for Moira Shire Council.

    ...injured but very shaken up as this was a slow speed impact they were able to exi...on runway 19 left the runway in a strong cross wind. The aircraft traveled across...board. The aircraft left runway 01 in a cross wind and traveled across the flight...

  • pawnee overcast!

    this am i got ready to aviate, just putting my helmet on when VROOOOOOM. a cropdu...ed back and forth (affording me his skilfull avoidance of wires etc at twice my speed!) for most of the morning. i&...

  • Brain teasers for those that believe down wind turns are "different".

    If you believe that downwind turns are "different" from upwind turns, or if you think that a...ling when you are flying "downwind" (flying toward the north), o...minimize your glider's groundspeed at the instant that your feet...for a given profile in the airspeed and sink rate with no concern...

  • What is Part 103 and why have a separate group for ULs?

    So what is Part 103?  In the USA i...5 US gal (19 L) maximum flying speed of 55 knots (63mph, 102kph) w...flight maximum power-off stall speed of 24 knots (27.6mph, 44.4kph...trimmed wing can fly l&s but its speeds are very different from say...

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00 ---  Chuck Norris is never under pressure....when Chuck Norris is on board Chuck Norris has never landed with a crosswind. The wind...