Results for "How long does it take to become a Pilot"


  • nokai_dome

    The winds were calm and forecast be calm until tomorrow at noon so we headed to Nokai Dome Airstrip.  I have wanted to camp here for a long...

  • Jim Waters

    Since I've embarked on this journey to become a Trike Pilot, I've met some of the most wonderful people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.Jim Waters is among them. A man who was passionate a...

  • Restrictions by john pietri

    this is one of my favorite paintings by john pietri because it represents and reality and breaking the chains of doubt John has been a ultralight pilot in Hawaii for many years and...

  • Bill's EGO trike

    Just learned of HG pilot in Bend Oregon area who acquired his EGO trike this past spring.  He has some awesome photos of some flights last week to several of the tall mount...

  • The Crew

    Some of the pilots at Albury on the first flight 2012. The last four pilots on the right died this year. Husband and wife pilots died when they crashed in the Trike in a last l...few weeks ago, and David one of my most skilled pilots died in one of my new XT-912...

  • Training Syllabus for learning to fly and becoming a CFI

    “Training Syllabus and Workbook” is the curriculum of lessons to learn when” which covers everything for becoming a safe and confident pilot.

  • Stacking Lenticular.

    This  Photo shows the height and the depth of the smoke that blankets virtually the entire province of B.C. The photo taken by a pilot,...nterior wildfires near Tweedsmuir Provincial Park taken from WestJet flight. Followed...

  • Crossing the Grand Canyon North, Dragon Corridor

    We maded it to the south rim, and could see the Grand Canyon Airport about 5 miles to the sou...orth crossing took 12 minutes which was fine by me.  I did not want to linger too long...

  • Beautiful S. P. Crater

    To our west was a huge volcanoes field.  Merriam and Sheba Craters are known to many as...ation of the smooth round shape of the cone, the dark lava spatter on the rim, and the long...

  • Gooney Bird Cockpit (DC-3)

    This one belongs to the FAA (FlaBob Aviation Associates), it has quite a history....classic planes!!! Ken, Leo & I took a tour for $2.  Got to sit in pilot seat (no signs said we couldn...