Results for "radial engine"


  • Fuel return line

    There is the fuel block on the top of the 912 engine (for newer model). The rerun line has to come out from the top of the fuel block. So air in the fuel line can escape quickly to the tank through the return line.

  • My New Aircraft

    Hey Guys, FINALLY!!!!! got my new Skyper airworthied  in Tucson on Novem...hen fly back to Petaluma.   With the BioniX 13 wing and 100 hp Rotax engine it has great power and handli...

  • Nano TO

    Nanolight flight today. Recently put this little guy together with a friend. Entire craft weighs about 90LBS. Has tiny 13-18HP Solo 210 ultralight aircraft engine. Manages 450 ft/min climb at...

  • The REV

    I had an amazing opportunity to fly the Rev the day before...t a full flare….. Ok, we can do this… engine idle, start round out to 6&rd...that experience. Now the Rev has a Simonini Mini 3 engine and E Prop combination that i...

  • Where we Flew- latest Conquests

    Here's the SkyVector Map for the area we flew last week.  When the...uncing.  Not a lot better.  Set it down at town end of Rwy and engine died.  "Engine Out"  Sparkplug wir...

  • Liquid Containment Bag- from Alaskan Bushwheel

    This bag was found by @Jake.  He bought a couple and liked them. They are muc...e bag) strapped on four corners and I don't fear it will explode gas on me/engine at altitude (you do need to e...