Results for "West coast"


  • Point San Luis Light house

    Point San Luis light house is a little hard to see.  It's at the corner...ty closest to us. I made a little hand held iPhone movie from here down the coast, just 'cuz it was so beau...

  • EGO electric trike

    Drooling over the EGO electric trike with ATOS VRS.  This might be the ultimate soaring package based on a trike.  We now have 2 in the USA.  Would really be nice to get one on the East coast.  Nice writeup on GliderRider.

  • blue_hills

    We followed the Dirty Devil to the confluence of the Fremont River and Muddy Creek at Hanksville.   W..., later that morning.   For now, we followed the Fremont River to the west...

  • Marble Canyon Pre-Flighted, ready to go

    Today was expected to be the windy day of the trip with 20mph winds in the afternoon.   We preflighted a...r goal for this afternoon was the Ibex Hard Pan, a dried salt lake to the north west...

  • Rugged terrain - 62 miles to go!

    Rugged terrain - 62 miles miles west of Havasu

  • Cavanaugh Bay Climbout ... Priest Lake

    Cavanaugh Bay Airport (66S) is great turf strip right on the South edge of Priest Lake in Northern Idaho.  ...shows a landing at Cavanaugh Bay and also at Priest Lake USFS (67S) on the West...

  • puerco_valley.jpg

    Friday, October 5, 2013. There is a 3 and a half day break in the weather...her forecast, we were hit by rough air out the northwest.  Our ground speed dropp...t the Airport Restaurant, and took off again to the west....

  • Crossing the Grand Canyon North, Dragon Corridor

    We maded it to the south rim, and could see the Grand Canyon Airport about 5 miles to the south.  It's a busy airport, so we passed on landing there.  We flew west...

  • Firstlight Photo#2

      My friend Firstlight sent me these and I posted for him.  Great have access too, including the DTA Voyager! Photos from the upper East Coast   =============...

  • Posted for Firstlight#1

      My friend Firstlight sent me these and I posted for him.  Great have access too, including the DTA Voyager! Photos from the upper East Coast   =============...