Results for "Air"


  • Hooper's Pool

    ...deg F and hot soak pool was 105F.  I needed it to warm up after the cold flight across the Rocky Mountains to get here.  You can see the airstrip on the far left edge of...

  • Marble Canyon Pre-Flighted, ready to go

    ...ay was expected to be the windy day of the trip with 20mph winds in the afternoon.   We preflighted and were ready to leave Marble Canyon Airstrip for the final time. ...

  • Marble Canyon, near the Airstrip

    The Marble Canyon Airstrip is right next to the river.  The downwind leg is very scenic, along the edge of the canyon.

  • Crossing the Grand Canyon North, Dragon Corridor rim, and could see the Grand Canyon Airport about 5 miles to the south.  It's a busy airport, so we passed on landing...s right over the fire.   The air was very thermally and rough....quickly get past this stretch of rough air.  We continued on, retur...

  • Crossing the Grand Canyon South, Zuni Corridor

    ...of making this flight for a long time. Paul (in the photo) and I flew close to each other the entire way south to increase our visibility to other aircraft.  As it was, we nev...

  • Cliffs above Marble Canyon

    We took off from the Marble Canyon airstrip shortly after dawn.  The cliffs were a brilliant orange color.

  • Ready to head out

    Paul's trike warming up outside our hangar at Belen Alexander Airport, in New Mexico.  In the backgro...r.  Our first day would be a long one, all the way to Marble Canyon Airstrip, with stops at Meteor Cr...

  • Salado Ruins Mesa

    ...p; I wanted to check out a mesa with some indian ruins on top I saw earlier in the summer.   I had been back here one other time, but the air was too rough and windy to ma...

  • Little Colorado Canyon

    ...ching much more than it would over the large Grand Canyon the next day.  We followed the Little Colorado down to the edge of the "Special Use Airspace of the Grand Canyon" whe...

  • Marble Canyon Airstrip

    We finally made it to Marble Canyon Airstrip, with about an extra hour of daylight remaining.   This is a beautiful spot to base out of with a gas station, grocery store and in the off season, a reasonably priced motel.