Results for "All clouds"


  • Comment on "thru the rainbow"

    this was wild I knew I was going to be near clouds so I filed an IFR flight plan to do this by the way I am a private pilot weight shift. as a sport pilot you are not allowed near clouds.

  • Comment on "thru the rainbow"

    Very cool seeing your glory. Back in my hang gliding days I would get towed up above the clouds and when coming down could get the sun and clouds at the proper angles and see the glory. Thanks Rebel!

  • Comment on "Cloud"

    ... http:...p;  &...

  • Comment on "Cloud"

    David real nice examples of lenticular clouds.from my understanding lenticular cirrus form from lenticular clouds that are blown apart from jet...

  • Comment on "Soaring at the 2014 Polson fly-in"

    ...e two best ways to find thermals are to look for soaring birds (eagles) or if the sky is pretty clear with few very small clouds here and there, then fly under those clouds...Is that right?

  • Comment on "Biggenden XC"

    ...about here Yes bumpy under clouds. When I departed at 11am from...te. The random turns were me following corridors between cumulus. Some clouds were getting big! I landed at...

  • Comment on "Clouds Today.png"

    Saw these clouds on way home today.  At first glance I thought "Mares Tails",...39;t look like good weather there for flying-- almost dripping like Mammata clouds. It's sunny, but a li...

  • Comment on "Cloud"

    ...ot;tails" are dropping downward.  If they are blowing sideways, then more like Mares Tails.  David I don't know that much about clouds-  I haven't heard of...

  • Comment on "Beach Flight Today"

    ...d it one handed with an unleashed iPhone and a little turbulence at the edges of the warm/cold zones San Luis Bay was a hole in the clouds, then miles of clouds to go over on the way home.&n...

  • Comment on "First "porte ouvert" 2018"

    Really nice vid. I like your over clouds flight.