Results for "night"


  • Comment on "Beautiful Morning Flight - Sandpoint, Idaho"

    Henry,  I finally made it home late Sat night. Trying to unwind and relax a bit but also getting ready for another fly-in later this week. I suppose one could say, I have been working hard to address my flying bug in recent weeks. :-)

  • Comment on "SR22 Crash"

    ...I am just amazed at how little is left of the aircraft. I think if it had been a Cessna it would have not been as bad. Oh XC we were not flying at night, we were landing about 15mins...

  • Comment on "night flight"

    Wow, that's awesome Reb!!!  What altitude are you at?  They must state by NOTAM how high they are shooting them-- like the unmanned aircraft and rocket notams they put out, no? I'd like ot talk to you more about night flight ...

  • Comment on "AT LAST! IT'S ABOUT TIME!"

    Its true! Its all true! I live near the Tesla factory here in NeVadur and I've seen a solar powered trike running test flights for weeks now.... its so secret they only fly it at night.

  • Comment on "AT LAST! IT'S ABOUT TIME!"

    hey ken, solar powered at night, now that IS a scoop. did not having a driver peke your kuriosity? even in neVadur TESLA should have had . one of their pet monkeys at the 'whee...

  • Comment on "Did it !!" that did it . Its so dark in the picture. Could be a hollywood double. Ya now you criticized the govrnment shut down youll have to do alot of night flying.there watching you kno...

  • Comment on "Monkeys in the Sky- secret advance copy !!! ;)"

    I finally got some time to preview the SkyMonkeys video last night! I told my daughter that tonight was trike night! She repl...;ve seen Olivier's other films, but never owned them - last night changed that and I ordered al...

  • Comment on "Priest Lake and the Colville Fly-in"

    Tom loved the video   btw ive got 3-1/2 feet on the deck and counting. The only thing iam flying is my snow plow! 2-1/2 ft over night.  Give me a call when you have a chance. We need to get a date for chelan?

  • Comment on "Shades of Green"

    Thanks everyone!  David C - I believe that was the most entertaining reviews I ever received. I was getting steady winds out of the NE that night - maybe prop wash from your rig?   

  • Comment on "Vankovia"

    A guys from Czech rep were flying here, then we put the cars arround the runway and shining :) This pilot wanto to fly opposite them and showed the way... But guys called they landed 70km earlier because was night