Results for "Crash landing"


  • Comment on "Flying in Turbulence and Thermal Activity"

    Great blog rizzy. And one ive said before needs more coverage and debate. After lis...roll felling is one that scares me as well! Exspesially trying to stick a good landing in unexspected conditions!

  • Comment on "Air play"

    Thanks guys! Yes, t is breathtaking, but 'every rose has it thorns'...  I lear...(part of Ken's Sunday posse) where I got used to wide open desert with tons of landing opportunities. Not so much he...

  • Comment on "Justin Goes Solo !"

    Big Congratulations To Justin who solo'ed t...ting the trike in a nice float during landing. We punched through them and...bumpy thermals he was controlling the landing like a true champion, I was q...nose from going too far up. He did 3 landings and by the last one he said...

  • Comment on "Nice and close"

    ok now that xc and i are back from oz iam going to re...uctor with a oscillating student. i was soon after landing very great full that i didn&#...high speed pass and close to a wing over in for a landing . whew iam alive. i walked aw...

  • Comment on "Students eye view of X-wind approach"

    With only 8 hours of flying, Lawrie is flying x-wind circuits in a 25kt NE wind. He is landing on the centre line. Lawrie hasn't soloed yet.

  • Comment on "sunset from rebels roost"

    Rebel wow thars awesome when i soloed with scott johnson on my downwind leg cruzin...took a sigh and said you know it just dont get better than this. Made a nice landing to scotts thumbs up smile Wh...

  • Comment on "Strongest Wind you would comfortably fly in with NO Turbulence?"

    Wind with NO turbulence? I voted 30+ But I dont too tired and I told to tower downwind and landing. He told me 16kt. When I turn...p;out of runway. I gave full throttle and repeated landing. When he exited from my trike...

  • Comment on "Revo Trike Flys NV"

    Looks like you had a great time to Furnance Creek and back. Great job on the successful cross wind landing. While I was filming down by the runway I could see the winds truning directly cross and picking up...challenging for sure! Great meeting you Peter, hope we fly again in Santa Paula.

  • Comment on "Ken in flight"

    Dale, Sally & Doug took some great shots out there.  Thanks everyone.  Yes, we talked about landing on the aircraft carriers-- th...

  • Comment on "A little short."

    Hey Ed,  we were just talking about that HERE.  Nasty!  Some spectators almost got a very short haircut and the female military pilot probably got her hair cut too.