Ed E.

A little short.

By Ed E. Comments (3)

A little short.. I don't get it but I guess it was all show!!


  • XC Triker

    Hey Ed,  we were just talking about that HERE.  Nasty!  Some spectators almost got a very short haircut and the female military pilot probably got her hair cut too.

  • Ed E.

    I don't get it. The threshold is almost where the come to rest!! :-/

  • XC Triker

    Yeah!!!!  Mistakes everywhere-- cops/ authorities for letting people on the road there to watch,  people for standing there like idiots in the path of approaching turbo-prop C-160, designers for having a raised road there, and the pilot-- she said, something like "I was having trouble seeing the end of the runway" (because of the raised road (where people were)).

    Sooooo....... if you don't know where the end of the runway is .......   land a little farther down!!!!!   Also, read the airport information-- maybe it will tell you about the raised road!!!!  Prepare for a tongue lashing-- you almost killed people and smashed the plane