Results for "Tales from the Wild Blue Yonder"


  • Comment on "Safety- is it the PIC's responsibility alone or All of Ours?"

    White Eagle ( @wambleska ) I'm SURE Sally was referring to the pilot flying through/un...piloting of the way you introduced that out of the blue could use some finesse? The...were too much-- but it's like commenting that the Blue A...

  • Comment on "My new Handgrips"

    Ken, I got them from ebay is the US.  They come in red, blue and yellow.  I think i also saw green too.

  • Comment on "Did he remove the front tube prior to flight? :)"

    Hey ULT, I didn't notice your comment while I was posting (saw email notice o...first (instead of going to VIDEOS  or  PAGE  or etc in the upper blue menu bar).  Then, from t...

  • Comment on "How many of you really love flying your Trikes?"

    So... picture this: I've climbed up from sea level, starting at a sleepy l...alleys, but I'm in a big vault of blue, blue...I climbed it as a youngster, yet from the air it looks sinister. I skip along a wingspan from its frozen wall. Onwards......nose... And we're down. 30 miles from t...

  • Comment on "El Mirage Rules!?"

      "The Venerable Vance Breese" asked him...grey patch is El Mirage as seen from...t least during the fly-in.  From what I could understand of RV's in approximately the blue line.  Which is just Wes...not fly over the top of the RVs (blue),...

  • Comment on "belmonair2.JPG"

      Belmont Airport also fondly known as Aeropelican was once a busy commuter airport.  It operated high frequency flights direct into Sydney Internation...

  • Comment on "Aircraft storage"

    I have flown into Oshkosh and flown at Cushing during Trikefest. I...ailered to a closer location to fly from. I trailered to Illinois.I with and play cards or tell tall tale...rike. Whether the field I am flying But you won't see anything from F...

  • Comment on "2020 PNW flyin"

    We had an excellent week in Winthrop WA flying all over the p...s I hope to be posting.    As I try to unpack from this trip, I’m already...ears fly-in (where ever that will be).  Until then, blue s...

  • Comment on "Sad Day"

    Ah, Dinga - that explains it. ;-) Come to NZ! Meet Joe! Joe,...lm evenings when the shadows grow long and the sea looks blue; Inland - big hills, big vall...inbetweens, essentially tyhe whole of the Southern Alps from N...

  • Comment on "John fitting the system into the frame"

    Hey MadMik-  The trike comes down right side up on its wheels.  Ken's system is not a "BRS&q...o make sure it's still pressurized.  In another photo you can see some blue p...