Results for "Lucinda's solo flight"


  • Comment on "Texas-trike.jpg Lucinda AM Warm-up"

    This is Lucinda warming up Lady Grace for her AM flight, May 2009.

  • Comment on "100 hours - a Century"

    In your case, you should also have a “single-place” column and not use your Solo column for that. Solo is intended for Solo flight prior to obtaining the 40 years ago we did not also include Solo time as PIC. Nowadays, folks e...

  • Comment on "Frank Goes Solo !"

    Big Congratulations to Frank who solo'ed this morning here in Albuq...hat helped him out because on solo he pulled the bar in to build...ew this scenario for the solo flight - Keep the throttle on),He...ff. Last nights lesson before solo, we cut the mags on the engine...

  • Comment on "andre_solo"

    Big Congratulations to Andre for his Solo flight today here in Albuquerque, New Mexico! He...e images of them, and of course had a can of Solo on hand! You may notice the S...been using the last few times as I am out of Solo! My mum will arrive from Austra...

  • Comment on "Justin Goes Solo !"

    Thank you Jozinko, Ken and RizzyWizzy! Thanks also Rizwan for the extra...was important for him to do an actual Solo as it would be the motivator...machine. Also, I wanted him to say "I solo'ed", not "I can solo" ( will love and fly it. 6 hours after soloin...

  • Comment on "Solo Inspiration"

    Thanks for the compliment.  Yes i guess quality pics come with the territory. Solo softdrink as we call it here,..., and I yes, I did drink it to celebrate my first solo flight.  I had it stored in my...

  • Comment on "Noel C Goes Solo"

    Good one Noel.. so good to see another happy face from YFT doing their best to achieve flight SOLO..! May you have many a flight in safety with lasting memories of smooth landings. Congratulations.

  • Comment on "Dennis goes SOLO"

    Dennis goes Solo... Dennis arrived this morning and the weather was great. After flying circuits for an hour he was neally read to go solo. This afternoon, Dennis circuits on runway 23 and then the time came for Solo....

  • Comment on "I am very close to Solo...."

    “successful” and “uneventful first solo” is the biggest hurtle. Solo your heart out. Love it. Once you solo it is all a nice glide.

  • Comment on "Texas-trike.jpg Lucinda AM Warm-up"

    Hey Lucinda!!  Great shot.  How have you been?  GeoBlaze (@GeorgeB) has an Astra too I think.