Results for "for"


  • Breaking shear waves

    ...ce in speed with altitude because of surface friction is enough to form waves which break, for the same reasons that waves a...ence of a different kind. The stuff in this photo is a step behind forming those rotating eddies. C...

  • Skypper flies to a new home. new aircraft on Tuesday and we decided to go for a flight. The wind on take-off was only 15kts, but it didn't take long for the wind to notice that we stop having so much fun. Today Simon headed for home and Skypper 8512 headed...

  • Mt Beauty Gathering of Moths

    ...ths The plan was set many weeks before to have a great weekend of six o'clock they were all at YFT for a briefing. The plan is to looked like we would be on time for departure. Wheels-up was just...e parking area and we all shut down for the day. Our day had now star...

  • Cloud Formations

    OK, W.E. here is my entry in the formation contest. Taken late afternoon in the Australian Alps and the hill in front is the location for the famous horse scene in The Man From Snowy River. 

  • Aeroquest Canada

    A nice little trike for sale...

  • Manley Alaska

    I use the nano for easy travel flying.  Over manley. Pop 63.

  • Maverick Test Drive.

    ...d away and a multitude of other details (install bush acceptable front suspension, prop pitch, locktite all engine bolts, beef up rear landing gear for real flying).  Loved th...

  • TrikeMag Issue 6 now out

    After nearly a years absence, TrikeMag is back! Issue 6 has just been released. Really need some articles, photos or videos for Issue 7 so please submit them to If you haven't got your TrikeMag app yet, you can download it from this page.