Results for "cross country flight"


  • Weekend flight to Verneukpan Northern Cape of South Africa with my BFF

    A long distance trip inland to the Northern Cape of South Africa to VERNEUKPAN, the place where many world land speed record attempts have taken place. Verneukpan is a...

  • Great flying weekend at YFT

    A Great Flying Weekend... With the Chat "N" Chew out of the way, it was time to get s...we should all fly south to the mountains, and look for Kangaroos. another top flight. No we didn't see any Kangaro...

  • Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG.

    Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG. Do you remember Monty Python’s Irvine Ai...e. I think Shaun and Fleecia may intend to take an occasional recreational flight in one of the trikes with Pet...

  • TG4 - 2015

    The Aussie Air Creation story continues... True Glory IIII - 16 Oct 2015 aircraft impo...ction is an AC objective. May the angels grant Peter YFT.. safe aircraft flight testing in coming days w...