Results for "ultralight trike"


  • Aeromobil

    If you've ever struggled with the decision of whether to sink your nest egg into a newer car or a cooler ultralight, you need to check this puppy out!

  • Smithy's Cup Trike Competition 1992

    The first Aussie trike competition held in 1992 at Smithy's Airfield, Hexham near Newcas..., engine off and touch & go tasks with a great bunch of local trike pilots. Several other successful trike competitions including the Fl...

  • Lubos's retraining to JokerTrike.

    The trike is quite different to compare their school trike. Then we flew together and he did his first solo on new trike.

  • ES-trike with the Pollini Thor engine and ATOS wing

    A British pilot came to do a test flight on the ES-trike. This is a very light trike and also available with electric motor with various sized battery packs.

  • High Alpha Landing Practice

    Practicing high alpha landing is very important for a trike. High alpha means high angle of attack of the wing. In a trike, it is the position that the control bar is pushe...ont tube. It slows down the touch down speed of a trike, meanwhile increasing the sta...

  • Holbrook Fly In 2016

    A group of Trikes headed off from Yarrawonga to attend the annual Flyin at the Australian Ultralight Federation home at Holbrook Airport in Southern New South Wales. There were a variety of trikes in attendance including Airb...

  • Czech trike expedition Annapurna High 2000

    Jan Bohm prepared his trike with new (in that time) Rotax 912 with turbo for years. But in Himalaya the engine had broken. Then they flew other trike with R582. Sorry it is an old document in Czech language without subtitles. But the views are worth it.

  • Trike Wombat

    Trike flying in 1989 at Hexham, Newcastle Australia. Chris Brandon flying an Airborne Buzzard Arrow 582 trike for the TV show - Wombat.

  • Trikes are so much fun

    In the recent past, there has been a lot of discussion about trike accidents, In the endĀ if you train well,...afe conditions then there is nothing like trike flying :D Aviation is only as...Here is a beautiful video of pure joy of trike flying....

  • Trike flying without the trike!

    I got to go Hang Gliding this weekend and had a nice 40 minute soaring flight. If anyone wondered why I fly the Airborne Outback trike the way I do, this should cle...