Results for "tether"




  • Tethering!

    ...afety. On my last flight I leared the value of tethering. I was shooting one handed...ssed the shutter button! Luckily the phone was tethered. From the looks of the but you never know! Be sure to make the tether short enought so it doesn't g...

Top-level pages

  • Night Ride Home

    ...m., raining, and forty knot winds are trying to rip your trike from its tethers.  You're trying to de-r...down, and taxiing to the buildings.  We watch Steve and Neil land, tether the wings, and dinner is fish...


  • Tethering!

    Just an update to safety. On my last flight I leared the value of tethering. I was shooting one handed, flying  with the other when my Iphone dropped as I pressed the shutter button! Luckily the phone was tethered. From the looks of the drop it would have just fallen to the earth but you nev...

    Tags: photography, iphone, camera, tether, safety