Results for "seat belt"

Top-level pages

  • What is Part 103 and why have a separate group for ULs?

    So what is Part 103?  In the USA in 1982 the FAA initially define Federal Aircraft Regulation, Part 103 (s...countries have a part 103 the same as the USA.  The UK has a SSDR (Single Seat...

  • Everyday Blonde Jokes

    I have nothing against the blondes, but I think some of these jokes are just funny....didn't care who got in. Did you hear about the blonde who thought a sanitary belt was a drink from a clean gla...

  • Ever thought about flying up into Canada eh?

    I have had a few short dicussions with some U.S. WSC pilots about bringing their rigs up into Canada for in the Amateur-Built category While this category does not have a weight or seat...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    What to take / things to consider on XC. This is a series of emails exchanged can grab them  easily while sitting in your seat struggling to hold the bar ag...scooter that I'm thinking of putting in the back seat...

  • Night Ride Home

    Picture this: it's 2 a.m., raining, and forty knot winds are trying to ri...hing, spare helmets and headsets under seats and into borrowed saddlebags...sp; ---- Jill and Neil have the front seats today.  We're  We watch Neil, in the front seat...