Results for "recovery"


  • How to exit a spiral dive

    Nice Video from Larry Mednick on exiting a spiral dive: Some intro from Larry - I wanted to post this video again, because it is so important to understand spiral dive recovery. Very recently I was in the back seat with a pilot and they entered a steep turn and pushed out so far they stal...

    Tags: spiral dive, stall, recovery

  • Training

    the situation: you are standing on the ground and you are watching at the trike in the sky what is going to land. Usually you can see the bottom side of trike. My question is: what is a chance to see upper side of wing? see at 2:30 It was the stall what I mentioned some days before...

    Tags: Jozinko, trike, flight, training, stall, recovery

  • Martin Advanced training

    Windy, crosswind, thermal, navigation, emergency landings, spirals and recovery

    Tags: Trike Flying, training, advanced, thermal, spiral, recovery, crosswind