Results for "print your plane"

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  • Small Plane Crashes at Big Airport- but No one notices!

    Authorities struggled to explain how a small plane crashed at an international airport, erupted in fire, but evidently went unnoticed for hours.  (fortunately not a trike, but ... )

  • Im' going to ...

    A huge C-5 cargo plane was sitting near where a trike was waiting to take off. The trike pilot got a little nervous because the military plane was closer than normal, and a...

  • Remembering TWA

    You remember TWA (Trans World Airlines) don't you...brakes. At about 3/4 of the way down the runway the plane rotated and held it's att...coming off both the aircraft's wings. The plane slowly left the runway and cr...

  • NASA: 3-D printed rocket part holds up in test and "Print your own Plane from Plans!!!" Holy Cow

    So my question of will MY part idea be strong enough has pr...l injector fabricated with 3-D printing technology passed the test...e injector was the largest 3-D printed rocket engine component tes...and test components. MakerPlane hopes to incorporate 3-D printing (also known as additive ma...

  • Light Sport Airplane Emergency Landing on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive (LSD)- with video!

    Story and video HERE Two hours after landing his plane on Lake Shore Drive early Sunday, John Pedersen peered past rows of police cars, gaping drivers and news trucks, searching for his fi...

  • Things You DON'T Want to Hear on the Plane's PA System

    * Ocean crossing flight: This is your Captain speaking, I just want...recognize where we are, tell your flight attendant and receive...ct!!!! Eject!!!!!!!** (As the plane turns around right after take...tain speaking....these stupid planes are a lot different than the...

  • Another Trike Crash with Two Fatalities & died in the crash of an ultralight plane into a river in southern Wisc...hed about 8 p.m. The sheriff says the plane was nearly submerged when fir...

  • ' knock-off-knockoff'

    i just bought (on line) a 'knock-off-knock-off' video cam, $19.25, inc postage! well, s...unlock without using some kind of tool. the manual print is the smallest 'font', (you other old geezers out there  had better up your...

  • Teen's high flying dream lands him in Marion: 3 Days & 900 Miles

    After three days and nearly 900...ought the Fisher FP-202 Koala plane, to the Marion Airport where...and he fell in love with the plane. After researching the model...said. Norton called the plane's owner who was in flight...dings, more than that and the plane becomes very hard to control....

  • The DC-8 and the Trike (joke)

    One day the pilot of a Trike was told by the tower t...the radio and said, “What a cute little plane. Did you make it all by yourself?” The Trike pilot,...ade it out of DC-8 parts. Another landing like yours and I’ll have enough fo...