Results for "new south wales"


  • Harsh

    HARSH A long distance trip inland to the Northern Cape of South Africa to VERNEUKPAN, the place where many Verneukpan is a widespread dry salt pan south of Kenhardt, between Swartkop and Diemansput in the Northern Cape, South...

  • Weekend flight to Verneukpan Northern Cape of South Africa with my BFF

    A long distance trip inland to the Northern Cape of South Africa to VERNEUKPAN, the place where many Verneukpan is a widespread dry salt pan south of Kenhardt, between Swartkop and Diemansput in the Northern Cape, South...

  • Weather Photos

    Here are a couple of photo taken in my neighbourhood just the other day.  They show a sand storm over the water just south of us.  Can you imagine flying and seeing that coming towards you??  

  • New Tanarg - Knysna - South Africa

    My flying buddy - Noël Perrier - has justr recieved his new TANARG 912 ES - He has been using the Bionix 13 on his DTA Voyageur 912 ULS for two years - this has now been married to the TANARG.What an amazing aircraft.

  • Lake Eildon - Mansfield, Victoria , Australia

    'Eildon is a huge man made lake approx 2hrs drive from Melbourne and 1 hour flying south of YFT's hanger. It is in the foothills of what is known as Victoria's High Country 

  • Flight round Czech Republic

    Guys from Czech Republic prepared flight round their republic. They began the flight on the West of CR and continued to South and East. Next to North and West again.

  • Deer strike on landing

    This could ruin your entire day………………. When a deer hits your...rder Patrol Citation II (down to 25 now), just completing acceptance testing in South...

  • Novy dvor - a goulash meeting

    I flew to Novy Dvor - it's a small village about more than 100km South from my airport. There was a trike pilot sudent waited to me - to his final exam. It was nice sunny day and I didn...

  • Weather Pics

    WOW! Stacking Lenticulars This photo shows the height and the depth of the smoke that blankets virtually the ent...ows a large nuclear looking mushroom cloud which has formed over the Tweedsmuir South...