Results for "light sport"


  • FAA 610 "Where fun went to die."

    Have you heard about usless and expensive Federal Bureaucracy? You find my take on the Light-Sport branch of the FAA at my blog  

  • Back on the Horse Today.

    The weather this morning was (and still is) spectacular. So despite my sore arm - I went for a fly - the winds were very light to non-existent.  How co...0am), and returned very happy with a very pleasant flight...

  • ken and my weedhopper

    we, ken and i had driven his ford 'exploder' dragging a huge trai...on with my 'weedhopper' ulttralight on it. we were still ttwelve&...ight? well i had a bright spotlight mounted on top of the 'instre...dust, on the inside. the spotlight was hooked to a 'home made' f...he sense to turn on their headlight...

  • "Black Out" Landings (When to flare if landing in the Dark)

    Most trike pilots do not land at night due to license restriction or good luck with planning.  Many do not have a landing light.  These factors and the...or here:

  • Trike Flying over The Grand Canyon-- Oct 26, 2012

    The Grand Canyon Last Friday (Oct. 26) was a nice day for a morning flight out of my home field at Lodi, CA...ed the trike, fueled it up, pre-flighted it and in bed in the back o...It was a relaxing, hazy, smooth flight with light tailwinds past Bak...s back home to Lodi. There was a light...

  • Topic 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff enjoy landings.  It was much later, two years later during some sport pilot training and discussion...ways on their property, only to crash on them on their 2nd or 3rd solo flight.  These runways were rid...

  • Buyers Guide: Personal Locator Beacons

      By Stephen Pop...somewhere in the snow-covered mountains of Idaho, a light airplane can take us places o...velers can only imagine.   But planning a flight...

  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    ...eet, some never venture out of this comfort zone.  You are in this sport purely for fun, so keep it fu...scenario unfolding exactly as described during my first month of solo flight.  It scared me cause I c...

  • Vendor Guidelines-- Manufacturers, Instructors, Importers, etc

    ...or about how much your product sucks!!   In a similar light, please refrain from making p...rikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilots, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gl...

  • 3 Ford Crown Victoria

    From emails exchanged and posted by a friend: Craig's been battling winds and thunderstorms and all sorts of adven...a carthis old. There is a hole through the driver's door frame where thesearch light...