Results for "light"


  • FAA 610 "Where fun went to die."

    Have you heard about usless and expensive Federal Bureaucracy? You find my take on the Light-Sport branch of the FAA at my blog  

  • Back on the Horse Today.

    ...acular. So despite my sore arm - I went for a fly - the winds were very light to non-existent.  How co...for 2 hours(830-1030am), and returned very happy with a very pleasant flight.  I flew to Fraser Islan...

  • ken and my weedhopper

    ...oregon with my 'weedhopper' ulttralight on it. we were still ttwelve&...ay, right? well i had a bright spotlight mounted on top of the 'instre...ot of dust, on the inside. the spotlight was hooked to a 'home made' f...had the sense to turn on their headlights when they heard the rotax, s...

  • "Black Out" Landings (When to flare if landing in the Dark)

    ...estriction or good luck with planning.  Many do not have a landing light.  These factors and the...ort explanation or here:

  • Trike Flying over The Grand Canyon-- Oct 26, 2012

    ...26) was a nice day for a morning flight out of my home field at Lodi,...aded the trike, fueled it up, pre-flighted it and in bed in the back o...p;It was a relaxing, hazy, smooth flight with light tailwinds past Bak...eps back home to Lodi. There was a light headwind the whole way and I...

  • Buyers Guide: Personal Locator Beacons

    ...anning an adventure somewhere in the snow-covered mountains of Idaho, a light airplane can take us places other travelers can only imagine.   But planning a flight far from the bustle of civili...

  • Vendor Guidelines-- Manufacturers, Instructors, Importers, etc

    ...tor about how much your product sucks!!   In a similar light, please refrain from making p...Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilots, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Ha...

  • 3 Ford Crown Victoria'squite a bit of rust but not near as much as you would expect on a carthis old. There is a hole through the driver's door frame where thesearch light used to be and now provides a...

  • My thrilling thrillogy...

    ...of traffic headed for the interior. The gringos rolled up to a traffic light set at arm's length from the.... The idea is that you roll to a stop there and push the button. If the light comes up red you are forced t...

  • Asiana 777 Crash: Shocking Inside Perspective their training and results seen at SFO

    ...p; "Passed down the line from an old flight training buddy: After I r...force some sort of duty rigs on international flights, he was fired after being ar...NEVER challenge authority and in spite of the flight training heavily emphasizing...