Results for "great plains"


  • First Trike Lessons for 2013 Reno/Carson/Lake tahoe

    2012 was a great year adding another trike so students could "Fly Together" Here are the first photos of "Fly Together" lessons for 2013

  • Camera Mount Photos

    Recently a fellow triker asked about my video setup.  Here is a description with some photos. I have two...things but I find I move my head a lot and this generally does not make for a great...

  • Tornado in Yarrawonga

    Scary storm too close for comfort! All day Peter and the students had been watching the weather systems dev...frequency in order to ensure safe separation. Come to think of it, today was a great...

  • The Grand Circle - 2014

    This year, my flying buddy Paul and I flew the "Grand Circle", a huge loop around the southwest USA that has 20 deg F to cross the mountains before descending to Hooper's Pool near the Great...

  • Trike Recovery!!!!

    Thank you everyone for the kind comments! I know there are a lot of questions so let me write a few lines of what...Our trailer was a little beat up, but mostly cosmetic damage. The Trike was in great...