Results for "gliders"

Top-level pages

  • Cool little story about a Sea Eagle in Stanwell Park

    Sea Eagle hitches a ride!  Read here:    

  • Beautiful Movie Flying Hang Gliders across the Alps   The cinematography is stunning, but the film is all in German language.  Very cool to watch though.  some cool stuff starting at 40 minutes too, and a surprise ending.

  • Goats and Wedgies in Australia

    ...turing their fledglings. During this time of the year, the ultralight gliders are sometimes aggressively attacked by the eagles, who identify the gliders as obvious predators, which m...

  • No transponders for Ultralights (still) !!! Through 2020 and beyond. Pheww!!!

    Europe has been trying to force gliders (PG, HG, etc) to have transponders !!!  ???  WTF???!!! From the Oz Report v18, #29 Tue, Feb 11 2014, 5:44:08 am AUSEST...

  • Safety!

    ...sp; Your POWERFUL site for friendly, Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilot, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders, Microlights, and a whole lot...

  • My Sunday Flight

    ...  the day. A few passes around and we noticed a couple of hang gliders that looked like they were se...On landing we met Mike and Mike, and found out that they weren't hang gliders... but trikes. They had campe...

  • Aeros offering bigger discount celebrating 26th anniversary

    ...with our standard discount for full prepayment (2% for order of wings and 3% for order of trikes). That is, total 5% discount for orders of hang gliders and trike wings and 6% for co...

  • is it time

    ...purts!   lastly, how do we, trikers stack up, accident wise, fatal and non with other non comercial 'air-beaters', general av, rotary wings, gliders, balloons etc?  are we i...

  • Dean Batman

    ...n for flying a trike. He started out in > the early days of UL's making foot launch flat kites, flat kites pulled > behind a boat, hang gliders and then on to several fixed...

  • Common Dog 01

    ...olour of the boundary marker should be white, for normal types of aircraft , but if the runway is for Helicopters the marker will be Blue, or for Gliders they will be Red, but you wil...