Results for "complete"


  • crayonbox

    Airports landed: ...rivate: Nikenbah, Wanggoolba, Miramar(Takura), Lake Barambah, Susan River, The Dimonds (Bill Price) Here is SkyVector showing some flying I have completed as of and including CrossCou...




  • A trip to North Queensland Australia.

    This was a flying trip that we did with three Trikes. We flew 1824.4nm and it took 37 hours to complete. The three pilots and one crew member had a fantastic time and we saw parts of Australia that could only be seen by fly a Trike.

Discussion topics

  • Passenger Endorsement... CHECK!

    Today I sent a message to that instructor bloke that sits in the back seat, asking where to find the required information to complete my workbook to accomplish passenger endorsement...


Top-level pages

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  • Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    For all pilots who want to go above and beyond basic sport, private and CFI certificates to new levels of skill, precision and safety.


  • Flycom, Lynx and Comtronics

    I am trying to decide of what system to use for my new trike. In the past I have used Lynx system and loved it. But I want to know what do you prefer and why? I have the option of buying completely a new system. My trike comes with Comtronics helmets but it is not a complete system and I just ...

    Tags: Best communication system, complete, trike