Results for "checklist"


  • Comment on "Emergency Landing!!!!"

    ...of that grass already had my decision but you knew what you were flying. Kinda...well, excluding the fuel line/pump configuration. And, yeah, a checklist is invaluable without questio...

  • Comment on "Checklists"

    Hey Damien, BRILLIANT! idea I love the velcro usage. Would you be willing to share your Checklists with us? I realize that your checklist will be pertinant to your trike but we will have a lot of similar points that we share. Share on brother!

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  • Forced Landing Checklist

    Pilots tip of the Week:  Forced Landing Checklist Question: "I had an engine failure on downwind and a forced landing in a plowed corn field. I spent the last 500...

  • Topic 3: Leaving the pattern to early

    ...but did you really get through the preflight checklist?  I continue to annoy my...chinstrap, even though it is clearly on the checklist. This failure is almost alway...nd taxiing away. I intend to run through the checklist one last time at the hold sor...

Top-level pages


  • Forced Landing Checklist

    Pilots tip of the Week:  Forced Landing Checklist Question: "I had an engine failure on downwind and a forced landing in a plowed corn field. I spent the last 500 feet concentrating on landing the airplane but did not block the door open, turn all switches off, tighten seat ...

    Tags: Safety, engine out, checklist, forced landing, mayday, mayday mayday, restart the engine, airplane