

By Damien
  • 49 of 84


  • Damien

    These are cheap check lists I use. You can get the "supplies" from Wal Mart. I find as I add more things to them I can easily print them out again and put them in a laminating pouch and throw out the old one and velcro the new one on.

    I find the Full page checklists a little impractical to pull out all the time and having them small and easily accessible works well for me.

    I have a Pre/Cockpit and Post flight list. My wife thinks I go overboard on Velcro (I use it everywhere such as on my phone and have places in my car I can velcro it to if my daughter wants to watch something). So every time she goes to Wal Mart, I can always work her up a bit by asking her to pick up some more Velcro for me !

  • Dave G

    Hey Damien, BRILLIANT! idea I love the velcro usage.

    Would you be willing to share your Checklists with us?

    I realize that your checklist will be pertinant to your trike but we will have a lot of similar points that we share.

    Share on brother!

  • Damien

    Thanks Dave G,

    Here they are as they stand now (I keep them in a Word Doc on my Laptop so they can be updated easily):


    Pre-Flight Checklist


    Front Tube Pins Inserted

    Mast T-Handle, Antenna,

    GPS Fresh Batteries

    AROW, Log Book, License

    Fuel Switch On, Fuel Cap on Tank

    Fuel / Coolant / Oil Levels

    Tire Pressure, Fins

    Throttle cables release

    Wing Inspection Walkaround

    - Camera/Wires secure

    Carriage Inspection

    Engine Inspection



    COCKPIT Checklist


    Pilot/Pax – Helmet/Seat Belt

    Wing free to move

    Demonstrate Postive Exchange Control

    Key in, Turn Power On

    EIS On (Reset Fuel/Flight if needed)

    Throttles Off, Brake

    GPS/ Radio/Mags On, Choke

    Trike Pointing in a Safe Direction

    HANDS ON MAGS for quick shutdown,

    Clear Prop, Start Engine, Mag Check

    Brake Check


    POST Flight Checklist


    Key / Mags / Power OFF

    GPS / Strobe / Lights OFF

    Headsets Unplugged

    Screen Protector On

    Front Tube Pins Inserted

    Mast T-Handle

    Refuel if necessary

    Wheels Chocked

    Key Removed


  • Dave G

    Damien, you da bomb man! Thanks a bunch for sharing this with us.