Results for "Trikes"


  • Annual Time

    ...e slowly. Big problem waiting to happen. Glad I found it. Turns out the annual inspection is a really good idea! Spring is here ... Look over your trikes and Fly Safe!

  • Mast Long Range Fuel tank

    Interesting mast "long range" fuel tank. Can't find any information about it, but seemed to be used on different trikes. What do you think? Would you feel confortable flying with this fuel tank?

  • Treasure Falls

    There were rain showers in the afternoon, but the skies cleared around 4pm.  We pulled our trikes out of the hangar before it closed at 5pm, and took off about 45 min later.&n...

  • Set up before Dawn

    ...before dawn (moonlight) for flight to Yosemite. (Jake still sleeping  ;)  The wind was so bad that night that it was lifting the entire trikes off the ground while tied dow...

  • Henry Trike Oil Painting 2

    ...a friend at work's photos made to look like oil paintings.  that got us on the subject of the cool photos we have at AllTrikes.  So, we talked about trikes for a while and what they can...

  • Henry Trike Oil Painting 1

    ...a friend at work's photos made to look like oil paintings.  that got us on the subject of the cool photos we have at AllTrikes.  So, we talked about trikes for a while and what they can...

  • aiptek_land_mineral1

    ...o get an early start by leaving our camp set up worked great.   We were able to tour the Canyonland area in calm winds in lightly loaded trikes.  We packed up our gear,...

  • Ibex trikes

    This is the main Ibex Hard Pan.  It is wide and hard landing surface.   Paul and I played around dropping our wheels to inches above the surface. &n...

  • Wild Valley

    This Valley looked the wildest, so we followed it for our return to Creede. We landed and secured our trikes outside.   Later that evening, we met some friends of Chr...

  • The training has started

    ...Second flight late in the afternoon with 360deg turns and touch and go as the sunset, magnificent conditions (except when we flew into another trikes turbulence, that was interest...