Results for "Trike Shimmying at landing"

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  • Learning to Land - consistently!?

     I am looking for your assistance so PLEASE chime in...o solo. There is still a chance I could screw up a landing - so why is that? It i...good practice to always use power off approach and landing to be practiced in the event...

  • Dead Stick Mondays

    ...ouple dozen flights in my new trike (Maverick II / JCV-360 / Pace...ike to challenge all part 103 trike pilots to make a habit of perio...Because simulated engine out landings build confidence in your abi...nbsp; If you have been flying trikes long enough it is quite likely...

  • Intermediate Syndrome

    We have had a spike in relatively new pilots getting into list, any all comments are welcome. 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff 2) early...8) weather fragility 9) cross winds take offs and landings 10) what to do if cross wind...

  • Soloed

    I did it. Finished my training and soloed my beautiful Sky Cycle trike. Mike did an awesome job training me and building the trike. It flies like a dream. I'm going to have a blast being a trike pilot :)

  • What is the definition of an Ultimate Trike, wing, engine combination

    Now, I know there is not one good answer for this question. Some of us (like extremely fast. If we were to piece-meal a trike...LOL, what would be an all purpose middle of the road trike, wi...hp 912 (for reliability). That is my ultimate trike,...

  • Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?

    ...a pilot making a forced landing on a highway. The landin...the outcome of road and field landings. We researched the NTSB on a nearby road. During landing, the airplane veered off the...the NTSB report here. Field Landing 5 A pilot and flight instruc...


    i've read about 'goose stepping', seen result...but until this AM i had'nt dun it.  i was landing ( in light rain, ( rain, in w...goose stepping' phase of this my ' 4000th +landing'. it got quite violent fo...

  • A true storry

    last weekend I was at the Dubova airport at th Air show. Big nice...ers, historic planes,  6 trikes, 4 PPGs and RC models were a queue of planes for landing, he did nice radio comunicati...made two the same mistakes to landing procedures in two flights. It...

  • Would be a great trike pilot

    Give this man a trike!

  • stones spupidicity 101

    the other day, for no good reason i changed my 12m wing f...ys later i did challenge gravity with it and after landing decided there was even more f...changed, somehow? or was the wing the culprit. the landing was slow and floaty, but i go...