Results for "Toucan Fly"




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  • TrikeMag Second edition now out

    ...ect he has fallen into hibernation. However, our roving Cadet Reporter, Toucan Roy, has been despatched to Slovakia to awaken our favourite Slovakian Trike Pilot. However Toucan Roy has limited navigational...


  • Toucan't fly!

    A 409 mile cross country flight cut short. Half way into this journey, a forced landing meant the Toucans could no longer fly - for a little while at least. As a result, only half of this video has actual flying. ToucanDrive hire cars though!

  • Mega Fauna 2014 - The Sequel

    Following on from the internationally acclaimed Toucan Brothers Production Mega Fauna blockbuster comes the sequel. Follow the flight of 19 trikes, a Drifter and some of those 3 axis...
