Results for "Strutted wing"

Top-level pages

  • Speed range in Strut wings vs Cable braced wings

    Hi all,   Most strut wing manufacturers always highlight the wide speed range in their wing advertising.   I am tr...figure out that what makes a Strut wing have a wide speed range. Woul...s the case then what makes a Strut wing have the wider speed range....

  • Wing Transport Needed- Alabama to Arizona

    Hey trikers I bought a wing in Alabama and I'm looking for a ride for it out to the desert southwest for it. I'm afraid to let the truckers have at it. Anybody making that trip?

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter double surface, check out their w...end speed and lowers the stall speed....Not sewing the under surface to the top...s difference between a regular double surface wing (which as I understand typica...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter double surface, check out their w...end speed and lowers the stall speed....Not sewing the under surface to the top...s difference between a regular double surface wing (which as I understand typica...

  • Battens falling out of a trike wing during flight

    A few months ago I watched a trike crash video. It was...cause of crash was battens falling out of the wing during take off deforming the wing causing the crash. Can this is it that a batten would slide out of the wing and fall out?  5) If on...

  • Shipping across the country

    Someone in Florida wants to buy my wing. Now I live in Idaho. Is there a way to safely ship a wing all the way from Idaho to Florida?

  • What is the definition of an Ultimate Trike, wing, engine combination

    Now, I know there is not one good answer for this question....t would be an all purpose middle of the road trike, wing, engine combination. The reas...e trike (in my opinion only) Bionix is the ultimate wing because of it's range, Airbor...

  • stones spupidicity 101

    the other day, for no good reason i changed my 12m wing for my 14.7. it was hot here in...tened the collar at back of the wing, well i THOUGHT i did. i was...ized something had CHANGED. the wing wanted to increase the changed, somehow? or was the wing the culprit. the landing was...

  • Should Trike wings be rated just like Paraglider and Powered Paraglider wings?

    Hi all, While we discuss the reason behind John Far...just because you are capable of flying one wing doesn't mean you can handle a more advanced wing. So with that in mind I wante...s no license required. However because the wings have ratings, it helps a new...

  • Lost wing

    Hi All, I had a wing on order from Mark since Spring that I fully payed for ($5200). Since Mark’s tragic passing I have not heard from the holders of his estate and all...