Results for "Oh the places you'll go"

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  • Adding a different engine to your trike

    I just wanted to find out(for my knowledge) that how easy is it to covert from a 582 to a HKS in USA. If your...nt of paperwork would this kind of major modification create? I know there are places...

  • Polson, Mt. Fly-in Saturday Sept 7, 2013

    The Polson annual fly-in is Saturday Sept 7,2013 and kicks off with a pancake breakfast. It is only a one day is a spectacular place to fly, with beautiful scenic vistas and plenty of places...

  • Night Ride Home

    Picture this: it's 2 a.m., raining, and forty knot winds are trying to rip your trike fr...ous glances to the side, searching for non-existent places to put down should the engine...e got a hangar.  Tussock's got friends in high places...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    SPEED AND DISTANCE ARE CONCEPTS: 1824.4 nm in 37 Flight hours. The Bundy Run, assistance was,” You can be stuck in worse places than Ballina, the tech guy sh...above sea level, which was below cliff top in some places...