Results for "Lodi, CA"


  • Tilt Shift

    Location: Lodi, CAAbout me: ...rican flight -- backwards. David & Stephen, two friends from New York, NY will leave everything behind and train to fly a light sport trike in Lodi, California. After their train...


Discussion topics

  • hangar height

    Does anyone know how tall a hangar door has to be to fit a Tanarg/BioniX 15 without taking the wing down?  Having to tilt the wing is fine. I'm looking...


Top-level pages


  • Tilt Shift

    Tilt Shift is a documentary adventure film that will retrace the first transAmerican flight -- backwards. David & Stephen, two friends from New York, NY will leave everything behind and train to fly a light sport trike in Lodi, California. After their training they will fly down the coast ...

    Location: Lodi, CA