Results for "I"

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  • fatal crash into power lines, 7/7/2013, parker dam california

    ... Sheriff-Coroner Department has identified the man who died in...e Colorado River when he struck power lines, lost control of his aircr...

  • XC and Understanding the NOTAM

    I recently had the need to decode the following NOTAM, but information on how to do this is not easy to find.  If anyone can help as to where this...The part of the NOTAM that is difficult is the long numbers after...5000FT AGL ON THE FLW RTE: SUNSHINE COAST/MALENY/MALENY 307018/...

  • Why birds do not have vertical tails.

    Thought some of you (W.E.?) might be interested in this brief discussion. Of course, we have known for some time in the flexwing world that adverse yaw can be overcome by wing tip aerodynamics.

  • Odd Spot: TIF anyone? Worst possible passenger An Indonesian district chief got revenge on an "I begged for a ticket for five hours to fly to...esman Bambang Ervan said the district chief had "tarnish...

  • Sad but true -

  • Bat-Like (not bird-like): Bats inspire 'micro air vehicle' designs

    Researchers study bat wings for "micro air vehicle" designs  Researchers at Virginia Tech are going batty with inspiration. The researchers are modeling "micro air vehicle&quo...their flight path very quickly -- showing high maneuverability for mi...

  • Funny quote

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the very first Fokker airplane built in the world. The Dutch call it the mother Fokker. — Custodian at the Aviodome aviation museum, Schiphol airport Amsterdam.

  • Funny quote

    When asked why he was referred to as 'Ace': Because during World War Two I was responsible for the destruction of six aircraft, fortunately three were enemy. — Captain Ray Lancaster, USAAF.

  • Screaming babies...

    Words from a pilot  During a commercial airline flight an experienced Air Forc...s seated next to a young mother with a babe in arms. When the, the mother began nursing the infant as discreetly as possibl...ded, "that's a good looking baby, and he sure was hungr...

  • Senate legislation would expand medical exemption-- up to 6,000lbs & 6 seats !!!

    New Senate legislation would exempt pilots who make noncommercial VFR flights in aircraft weighing up to 6,000 pounds with no more than six seats from the...slation to expand the FAA's third class medical exemption gat...e members of the Senate General Aviation Caucus