Results for "Early Trike"

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  • Final results for me to Learn to Fly.

    ...3 hours. Hourly rate in Marks trike was $180, and my own was $100...obtaining and registering my trike etc.  Can be done in 2 w...(direction and/or strength). Early mornings (crack'o'daw...Don't rush into buying a trike.  Not everyone can fly,...

  • Intermediate Syndrome

    We have had a spike in relatively new pilots getting into trouble this year.  You learn a lot in t...ll comments are welcome. 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff 2) early morning itis 3) leaving the pattern to early...

  • Upcoming Events

    Not my events - but take note of a few coming up in the Southwest area. (New Mexico/AZ) 1 - Memorial Day Conchas...g at the same time as the Mystic Bluff Flyin (~September) 4 - Monument Valley (early...

  • Dean Batman

    ...irement with a huge passion for flying a trike. He started out in > the early days of UL's making foot lau...wing ultralights > before moving to trikes although he was a private pi...hard > knocks. He helped plan many early cross country trips in Challe...

  • Getting off to the best start in TrikeLife -What advice would you share? exciting 'bucket list' in life... Trike Life. Several videos on YouTu...; I've explored a few websites for LSA Trike Schools located throughout th...he Airborne XT, but open to everything at this early point. What advice would you...

  • Soloed

    I did it. Finished my training and soloed my beautiful Sky Cycle trike. Mike did an awesome job training me and building the trike. It flies like a dream. I'm going to have a blast being a trike pilot :)

  • The DC-8 and the Trike (joke)

    One day the pilot of a Trike was told by the tower to hold short of the acti...ed out, turned around, and taxied back past the Trike. Some quick-witted comedian Did you make it all by yourself?” The Trike pilot, not about to let the i...

  • What is the definition of an Ultimate Trike, wing, engine combination

    Now, I know there is not one good answer for th...xtremely fast. If we were to piece-meal a trike...LOL, what would be an all purpose middle of the road trike, wing, engine combination. Th...12 (for reliability). That is my ultimate trike, what about you?

  • Single Engine Running Rough

    Trike Pilot:  Tower, Experimental Trike 16Alpha, request priority landing due to my engine running rough. Tower:  Trike 16 Alpha you will be number two, behind a B-52 that has one engine shut down. Trike Pilot:  “Ah, the dreaded seven-engine approach.”

  • Plane Ride in the 1930's

    In the early 1930's, a farmer and his wife went to a fair. The farmer was fascinated by the airplanes and asked a pilot how much a ride would cost."$10 for 3 minutes,"...