Results for "Crash scene from movie Flight"

Top-level pages

  • Atlas Human-Powered Helicopter - AHS Sikorsky Prize Flight


  • Flying's Future?

  • Adjustable B-bar (belly bar shaped like a B)

    I recall a B-bar that attached to your base-tube that could be adjusted in (nearly 360 degrees as I recall) in flight. I’m looking to build one. Anybody have an old photo. I can’t remember the locking and rotating mechanism/hardware.

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter d...urfaces to shift independently of each other during flight improving handling. Another c...the detached under surface is you can pre-flight your entire airframe!"...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter d...urfaces to shift independently of each other during flight improving handling. Another c...the detached under surface is you can pre-flight your entire airframe!"...

  • Wish me luck everyone...

    Tomorrow I am having my check flight and final exam - and all going well I shall be a certifiable... ahh I mean Certified Pilot. Today I almost completed 5 hours of my required...

  • Justification. Adding Spiral recovery to the PTS

    Based on a number of trike fatalities...and instructors for the 24 month flight review. If we are successfu...his article is the justification from specific instances where spir...w/two-people-dead-in-light-plane-crash...led multiple times to the ground from 800 feet and died. There was a...

  • Mark Gibbo Gibson

    I just learned that trike pioneer and to...area.  This is a cut and past from Facebook from Steve Burns: I don't put m...ark Gibson died this morning after crashing his trike into a line of...engine out. He was flying locally from...Jones airport in Houston, Tx. The crash...

  • Find pilots to meet with in Ogden Utah

    I am in Ogden Utah for the day and would like to meet up with another pilot to get my daily flight fix. I have a bad flying habit!

  • Scott Adair

    ...ment and received instruction from several well-respected CFIs a...permitted. It was absolutely flight worthy and although an earl...tly Scott decided to progress from...lancing on the mains to first flight. The winds were 10-15. I am n...eed (10mph), Scott nosed over from a height of 100 to 150'AGL to a...