Results for "Batten Strings"



  • Screw Driver Technique for Tight Batten Strings

    ...ascher." Usually for tight strings you can use one hand pulling with the thumb pushing the batten, but if it is really tight .....p; Put the bottom loop of the  batten string on.  Then insert...river shaft and onto the end of the batten.  Voila!!!


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  • Battens falling out of a trike wing during flight

    A few months ago I watched a trike crash video. It was somewhere in Russia. It was a fatal crash.  This trike was a single person trike with a 80 hp 912 on it. In the comments, there were many opinions (guesses) as to what caused it. Some pilots were of the opinion that there was too much t...

    Tags: Batten Strings, Rizzy's blog