Results for "Air Venture"



  • new purchase

    Just purchased my trike, now all I have to do is learn to fly it. YFT will be assisting me in this venture. Aussie quikr


  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    ...limits?  For the new pilot in may be the first hour of the day in dead calm conditions. The morning conditions are so sweet, some never venture out of this comfort zone.&nbs...


  • EAA to pay for ATC at AirVenture through 2022- bad Precedent!!!

    A nine-year deal struck Friday between the Experimental Aircraft Association and the Federal Aviation Administration will provide air traffic controllers for the EAA's AirVenture event through 2022. The deal will require the EAA to pay a similar fee to the $450,000 it paid last year for th...

    Tags: EAA, FAA, Air Venture, Osh Kosh, Sun n Fun