Aussie quikrAirboourne XT912. Tanarg, P&M QuikR





Latrobe Valley










Mt Beauty

Flight from LaTrobe Airport to Port Albert and back - QuikR time

By Aussie quikr Comments (5)

This is a 1.8 hour video condensed into 7 minutes!!


  • Jozinko

    Very nice video! Your QuickR you sholud rename to QuickRF (Really Fast) :)

  • Hedgeview

    Congratulations on your epic maiden coastal flight AQR. From Latrobe Valley across the majestic Strezlecki Ranges, down through the South Gippsland plains, and onto that Virgin stretch of golden sand that marks the start of the magnificent 90 mile beach.  Just don't be tempted to land on it, lest you meet the fate of the other poor souls who bent their trikes and spent a thirsty half day waiting for the coast guard recovery.  Look forward to joining you for the return trip in the future.

  • Aussie quikr

    Hi Hedgeview, yes it was certainly a very enjoyable flight, they get strange weather down here though, below the inversion it was almost dead still, but above 3000 ft I was in a 35- 40 knot north west gale. at one stage I was doing 48 knots ground speed, then did a 180 and had a ground spreed of 90 knots. the air was smooth though and no turbulence to speak of.

    My next venture will probably take me down to the gippsland lakes, so looking forward to that.

    Then I may venture back up to YFT for a day trip to say G'day to you, Pete and Anne.

    Regs AQR

  • av8or

    Great viewing QuickR. If you would like to make YMFD a stop on the way to YYWG I will shout you a coffee and follow you up yo see YFT

  • Aussie quikr

    Hi av8or, sounds like a plan.

    I will let you know when, will have to get the forecast right so I come home with a northly.


    Regards AQR