Results for "1500 miles"


  • little_grand2

    We flew north about 30 miles through a flat, empty valley to reach the San Raphael River.   We followed the river downstream to reach the aptly named Little Grand Canyon.

  • Ship Rock

    We winds picked up to about 35 out of the southwest, directly across our path in the mountains east of Royal Arch.   I admired Shiprock from 10 miles away, the dropped down low ov...

  • Cool RV & Interesting Gyro 2

    First, note the gas tank / seat.  We were considering using these to extend our range at times.  Two of these in a trike in place of the seats, would be 2x 10 gallons.  Or, 375 more miles of range !!!  (If your butt and bladder could handle that!)

  • What LA looks like flying at night

    Have to fly > 50 miles away and 3 hours with 10 landings at night. Among other things, it's hard to judge your altitude at night.  Clouds are just blacker spots in the sky. Black spots on the ground are either airports, or mountains, or lakes/ocean, or rough terrain.

  • Mt Taylor Plateau

    We were 30 miles downwind from the summit of Mt Taylor, but didn’t feel too much turbulence.  We had thought we would land at Double Eagle and top off our gas t...

  • Crossing Weminuche Pass to Creede

    Weminuche Pass is so gentle that when Paul and I approached it from the Creede side last year, we flew 5 miles beyond the pass before realizing we were over the top and heading downhill.

  • Tied Down at Milford

    We landed at Milford with the winds 18 knots, gusting to....   At least it was straight in.  10 miles to the north was a huge windmill farms.  Ibex Hard Pan was only 45 miles away, and with the 30 mph tai...

  • Stepto Butte- inflight Panorama

    Jaggies are due to panorama mode of camera.  @Ttabs led us on a geologic exp...burried in the plains of other volcanic pyroclastic flows. This is about 50 miles south of Felt's Field...

  • Meteor Crater

    We flew out to Winslow Arizona for our first stop of the day.   We refueled and scarfed down an sandwitch and headed out again.  A few miles to the west was Meteor Crater.  I circled over the crater which was a strong fun thermal generator now at 2pm.

  • sanraphael_mex_mtn

    The slot canyon of the San Raphael River appeared a few miles further  downstream.  It is deep dark canyon with no escape. We followed the slot to Mexican Mountain.  I circled the mountain for fun, then came down to land.