Results for "Australia"


  • A Place to Explore

    I live in a wonder place to fly. And there is yet so much to explore. Now if I can just remove that annoying vibration....

    Tags: fraser island, queensland, australia, boating, 4x4, driving, holiday

  • Hervey Bay 5000

    Just a short video on a clear day from 5000ft - beautiful. This is why we fly!

    Tags: hervey, bay, aerial, video, queensland, australia

  • Photos of Hervey Bay

    This collection is a frequently updating series of standout aerial photos of the city of Hervey Bay. Queensland, Australia.

    Tags: hervey bay, australia, city, aerial, photography

  • An Excerpt from "Ten Dollars a Litre"

    A documentary about rising energy usage and costs presented by Dick Smith in Australia recently aired on Australian television. This excerpt is of Dick Smith flying (apparently) and Airborne trike. If you can fly trikes Dick - welcome to the community of trike flyers!

    Tags: dick smith, australia, trike, airborne

  • Don't you Wish! Caribou display.

    How good are these aircraft! Awesome.

    Tags: airforce, caribou, RAAF, australia

  • How's your Weather?

    Well it's almost summer here in the great Queensland of Australia.  Flying opportunities have been reduced to a minimum unless you fancy getting out of bed at 430am.  There is the odd day where mother nature relaxes and lets the birds fly free - maybe once or twice a fortnight. ...

    Tags: australia, queensland

  • Impressive Dark Plumes of Smoke

    A recent flight reveals the carnage after a large bush fire.

    Tags: bush, fire, australia

  • Personal Navigation Exercise: Brooweena Navs

    Yesterday 21st December, I flew on our Summer Solstice - the longest day of our Southern Hemisphere year. I used the opportunity to fly only by compass and time, after making a flight plan into areas I had never been. It was great fun. Hope you enjoy it too.

    Tags: thermals, turbulence, cross country, australia, airborne, xt912, trike

  • Microlight Over Cape Range National Park

    This was a quickly edited version of a 1.5 hour flight over Ningaloo Reef and Cape Range National Park in Exmouth WA.

    Tags: microlight, exmouth, western, australia, northwestcape, Trike, flying, aviation, airborne, microlighting

  • Fuel Degradation

    Just found this from our BP Fuel distributor in Australia.  Should help with questions about when what why and how to look after your fuel on your trike.  Remember this is written for Australia so please consider the RON octane rating and the seasons vs months where it applies. h...

    Tags: australia, retail