Results for "copper state"




  • Palouse Falls - Washington State Flying

    Posting this one for Anne M ( @AMclean ) for her love of geology which is best seen f...unday morning flight down to Palouse Falls located in South central Washington State. We check out unusual land fe...

  • Megafauna Flyers 2010 flying holiday in Australia

    Flying holiday in Australia slide show. Megafauna Flyers May 2010. Sport Aviation aircraft including A22 Foxbat, Dr...k to see some great landscapes and views from the cockpit including mining for coppe...

  • Another Rock Lake Run ....

    Taken mid March, I recorded this flight about 35 miles SW of Spokane located in Eastern Washington State.

  • Coral Pink and Beyond

    Flying the Arizona / Utah border from Colorado City to Coral Pink State Park.

  • Steptoe Butte Assault

    Here was a fun run I made in the middle of Spring time in WA state. Google Earth Steptoe Butte if you'd like to have a view of the area (we call the Palouse hills). Just miles and miles of rolling wheat fields.

  • Desert Valley to 12,000 Feet White Peak - Mt. Charleston, Nevada

    Took off from Calvada Meadow Airpark (NV74) located at 2,700 feet desert, climbed hard to 12,500 feet above Mt. Charleston, 8th highest peak in the state. The peak was covered with more than 20 feet snow from several storms in this winter.

  • Henry and Leo's new REVO & REV

    The video is comprised of iPhone footage and pictures taken during the delivery of He...o, and the REVO front seat, with Leo Fitzgerald (CFI) as co-pilot, I can truly state that Larry Mednick has creat...

  • Moses Coulee and the Ice Age Floods - Part I

    More from my Geology Series on Washington State Best if watched in HD 720p and full screen. Moses Coulee was...way debris the size of large buildings. Cataclysmic would be an understatement. Oct 25, 2012 Music: Tho...

  • 2016

    This is a highlight reel from all my flights of 2016. It has a lot of cool plac...nowhere, Laguna del Perro, Needle Pinnacle, gypsum lake takeoffs at the NM/TX state line. Plus a lot of my favo...