Results for "Long Distance Tike Flying"


  • Low Riders

    Here is another take on Low Riders - Not to be confused with my Low Riderz video from long ago.

  • Trike Wombat

    Trike flying in 1989 at Hexham, Newcastle Australia. Chris Brandon flying an Airborne Buzzard Arrow 582 trike for the TV show - Wombat.

  • Trikes are so much fun

    In the recent past, there has been a lot of discussion safe conditions then there is nothing like trike flying :D Aviation is only as safe a...  Here is a beautiful video of pure joy of trike flying....

  • Trike flying without the trike!

    I got to go Hang Gliding this weekend and had a nice 40 minute soaring flight. If an...d why I fly the Airborne Outback trike the way I do, this should clear that up! Flying from Marshall Peak in San Ber...

  • F-16 Low Level Flying In Norway

    Low level flying over the beautiful Norwegian landscape with an F-16 of the Royal Norwegian Air Force.

  • Introduction to Trike Flying

    I found this vintage video of introduction to Trike Flying. I thought it was interesting, you may like it too.

  • My buddy Lance and I went flying!

    Sifu Lance brazil went flying with me and made a video. Makes me look like some kind of hero... The link is to his youtube channel. Check out some of his other videos too. He is a...

  • Polson Montana, 2016

    Polson, Montana is gorgeous. To try and capture it on video with only a couple of minutes i...t is by far the most beautiful place we have flown to date. The vid is about 5 minutes long,...

  • flying lake tahoe

    flying with Paul Hamilton lake tahoe 2 up intro flight

  • Flying With George - First Flight 2013

    First flight of 2013... Wishing all a wonderful new year filled with great flying adventures. Jan 1st, 2013 just before sunset, -3 degrees Celcius, 12 minute flight, three trips around the pattern. Special thanks to nonperishable for their music.