Results for "Low and Slow flying"


  • Trike Wombat

    Trike flying in 1989 at Hexham, Newcastle Australia. Chris Brandon flying an Airborne Buzzard Arrow 582 trike for the TV show - Wombat.

  • Trikes are so much fun

    In the recent past, there has been a lot of discussion safe conditions then there is nothing like trike flying :D Aviation is only as safe a...  Here is a beautiful video of pure joy of trike flying....

  • Trike flying without the trike!

    I got to go Hang Gliding this weekend and had a nice 40 minute soaring flight. If an...d why I fly the Airborne Outback trike the way I do, this should clear that up! Flying from Marshall Peak in San Ber...

  • F-16 Low Level Flying In Norway

    Low level flying over the beautiful Norwegian landscape with an F-16 of the Royal Norwegian Air Force.

  • Introduction to Trike Flying

    I found this vintage video of introduction to Trike Flying. I thought it was interesting, you may like it too.

  • My buddy Lance and I went flying!

    Sifu Lance brazil went flying with me and made a video. Makes me look like some kind of hero... The link is to his youtube channel. Check out some of his other videos too. He is a...

  • flying lake tahoe

    flying with Paul Hamilton lake tahoe 2 up intro flight

  • Flying With George - First Flight 2013

    First flight of 2013... Wishing all a wonderful new year filled with great flying adventures. Jan 1st, 2013 just before sunset, -3 degrees Celcius, 12 minute flight, three trips around the pattern. Special thanks to nonperishable for their music.

  • Kites Trikes Yikes 1972-1989

    Yikes..Kites & Trikes is an created to reflect my kite flying days in 1972, still at school...2 years old, almost suddenly, flying evolved to triking in speed is original, the low flying is extreme (do not attempt of cockpit comforts - real flying, real fun.. real X-citment..E...

  • bonners ferry fly in 2015

    video is long for some reason I cant seem to make a sh...possibly because I like to turn the tv off and have flying videos on that play music I l...ed to pick music that express my emotions when I am flying.