Results for "es-trike"


  • Low hours Four Stroke Northwing Navajo Trike For Sale

    Low hours Four Stroke Northwing Navajo Trike For Sale with only 114 hours on the engine and 15 hours on the brand new wing. This is a Northwing Navajo with four stroke H...

  • Sarah's Sunsets

    I recently had the pleasure of sharing an evening flight with an adventurous young lady whom I have known for many years. Introducing people to the unique flying experience that a trike provides is great fun! Hope you enjoy the ride.

  • Oldschool Ultralight Documentary (circa 1994)

    Make sure you watch all of the video (1 hour, 20 mins) for a full thrilling exposé. Trike: Check out times 21:07 and 57:23. I have no comments except... Caution Ameri...

  • Electric Plane

    Not a trike but interesting...

  • High Alpha Landing Practice

    Practicing high alpha landing is very important for a trike. High alpha means high angle of attack of the wing. In a trike, it is the position that the control bar is pu...

  • mid air collision

    this video just a good reminder to follow ridge rules and lesson on clearing your turn and generally being aware of your surroundings while flying a hang glider,soaring trike or anything that flys. whew it dont get closer than that

  • Electric Trike?

    You know, these guys from Earthstar are only about 50 miles form me and part of the PRUA club I belong to. Maybe Ken ( @Knussear ) & I could get some used stuff fro...

  • Revo Trike Flys NV

    Here is the VIMEO link Beautiful 2+ hour flight from Calvada Meadows Airport NV to Furnace Creek Airport and back with Leo Fitzgerald. 20+ mph winds picked up just as we were coming in for landing at sunset! Revo Trike Flight from Peter Del Vecho on Vimeo.

  • Pahrump Balloon Festival 2015

    Pahrump Balloon Festival 2015, Crank it up to 1080P for best quality. Great time flying around Pahrump with all of our Trike Pilot friends! Can't wait to share such great times with you all again in the near future.

  • Cook County Airport (15J) Trike Ops

    A high pressure system lead to some nice flying conditions, a bit cold but totally worth it.