Results for "cross country flight"


  • LB training

    Cross wind, thermal, stall and recovery and relax :)

  • cross wind landings

    You can see all the pilots have a small airspeed. Then they cant control their landing


    YFT and Hedgeview introduce XC Triker and Whiteagle to the Victorian Alps with an epic flight over Mt Buffalo into the lovely Buckland Valley. Flight into our own local "Eden.

  • My Submission - Country Muster

    An unscripted preflight procedure.

  • Félix Draco - first flight

    My friend Jany Lacúch made his trike by himself. He use the Verner VM133MK engine with Aeros Profi 14 wing. This was first flight - test flight. Unfortunately, bad connection of oil hose caused the oil sprayed to the exhaust system. But it flew beautiful!

  • Salton Sea

    Flying from Thermal airport, CA, near Palm Springs. Landing with some cross wind, but all was good : )

  • Anna's Flight

    A very nice evening flight with Anna, who had not flown in a small aircraft before. Smooth air and a nice moon opposite a nearly setting sun made for a great first flight experience!

  • PAL-V

    The recent post of the AeroMobile reminded me of this invention from my home country The Netherlands. Hopefully they'll get it ready for the US market as well :-)

  • Our first Home flight

    Flight around our home in So Cal. The flight originated from Perris Airport, to Moreno Valley ( home) then to Redlands over the Badlands, and from there south to Hemet, where I rounded towards Sun City, then back to Perris and covered 96.4 miles in 1.6 hours. Enjoy :)

  • Flying With George - First Flight 2013

    First flight of 2013... Wishing all a wonderful new year filled with great flying adventures. Jan 1st, 2013 just before sunset, -3 degrees Celcius, 12 minute flight, three trips around the pattern. Special thanks to nonperishable for their music.